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The Kia Cerato horror story

Cerato Crap

Kia Cerato Crap

I write in complete disappointment and hope that Kia is able to redeem themselves. We purchased a new Kia Cerato in August 2011, after a month, the clock and thermometer switched from the metric system to imperial and got stuck and could not changed. When the electrical gizmo’s don’t work it makes you wonder about the build quality.  The carpet on the drivers side is coming away from the floor exposing the road and the most irritating of all, they could not even put the number plate on straight. I mean at least take a little pride in your brand. I took the car in December and was told to come this year as the techie was not there. I took it in Feb they booked it in for the whole day and at the end of the day 8 hours, they told me they could not fix the carpet but they had fixed the clock. I thought well great at least one things got sorted. I took the car home and woke up the next day to go to the office and instead of the clock / temperature being stuck now the whole thing was off, I mean completely off! I took it in again booked it for the whole day and they said they have no idea what is wrong with it, further to this they said they have to book in the car to go the a specialist to fix the carpet. They need the car for a week. I asked for a courtesy car and they told me they don’t have any for me.

So the question really is can you trust a brand when you get treated like this? People purchase the car under the notion that this was a superb car yet so far, I have had nothing but grief. Due to the nature of my work I cannot be without a vehicle and worst have my vehicle gone for a week. I cannot understand how a new car can be so flawed and how Kia have no clue what to do.

Lets hope Kia can pull their socks up and get this right, I hate to think what else could go wrong with this vehicle.

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